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Specialized IT Supplier for ports and container terminals

PF Technology's "Epidemic Control " Cloud System helps ports on Epidemic Prevention and Control!

In the outbreak of the new COVID19 in 2020, Port terminal being labor-intensive premises, the daily busy traffic with the number of  vehicles, people in and out , infection spreading may lead to the stagnation of operations and affect the normal operation. Therefore, to prevent the Covid19 affected personnel from entering the port and container terminal premises  is the major concern of the authority.  PF Technology invented the "Epidemic Control Cloud System”, with equipment installed at the gates of the port premises, reading the body temperature, health code, identity information of the people entering and leaving, with multiple double-checking mechanisms to ensure people passing through the premises are not Covid19 carriers. while when a ‘personnel with potential safety hazards’ is detected, the system will trigger alarm and prompt mechanism for security/health control officers to take immediate action  towards that personnel, so as to achieve epidemic prevention at the ports and container terminals.

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